Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bikram Yoga

Today I started my first day of Bikram Yoga. When I told my family and friends about it, the same question kept popping up... "What is Bikram Yoga?" My done in a sauna. Of course it isn't but it feels like it. Official answers can be found at but here is a breakdown of my experience...
  1. I fell upon Bikram by receiving an email from for 20 classes for $20. I have ALWAYS been interested in trying it, so this seemed like a perfect (and cheap) way to introduce myself to this different form of yoga.
  2. When I walked in, I handed my coupon to the woman and she was very helpful (I hate when I walk into a new place and I just feel dumb or "new"). She told me that I would need to take it easy. She said that when I felt dizzy or nauseous (which she guaranteed I would), that I should lay down or take a knee. She proceeded to tell me where I could find everything I needed.
  3. When I finally walked into the Bikram room, I didn't think it felt that hot. I laid my yoga mat on the floor and realized that I was the ONLY person who didn't have a towel. I started to feel panicky because I missed something. Maybe the woman at the desk wasn't that helpful. "Ok, deep breath, go out and ask for one, " I told my self. No problem, just had to pay a dollar to use one.
  4. I also noticed that all the girls were in tiny shorts and sports bras. The men just had shorts on. I do not regularly walk around in a sports bra in front of strangers (my husband is lucky on rare occasions to see that) so I decided to keep my tank top on (I also had shorts on).
  5. Before the class begins, everyone lays on their mats with the lights off. AND then the sweating starts... just by laying down! I couldn't believe it. The lights are turned on and that signals the start of the class.
  6. The class is a series of 26 poses that are repeated twice. I felt perfectly fine as a beginner. Each pose can be very simple, or can be pushed further based on skill.
  7. At the start of the first pose, the tank top came off... too hot~~~
  8. I really liked this yoga. It is slow moving, it didn't hurt my knew (which I blew out a few years ago), and boy do you sweat!!!! I got sick and dizzy right away, so I took it slow, and eventually, I was able to work through it!
When the class was over I wished I had brought a change of clothes. I had sweat through my sports bra, underwear, and shorts. One poor woman in front of me wore a lilac sports bra, that became quite transparent close to the end of the class.

After class I was REALLY hungry (they recommend that you not eat 2 hours prior to the class). I stopped and bought some fruit, but all I could think of having was some carbs. So I made the mistake of eating a grilled cheese sandwich, which of course made me sick for the rest of the evening. When I ate the rest of the fruit for dinner, I felt much better.

I am starting to feel a little sore in my lower back and legs, but I will have to wait and see how I feel tomorrow. I hope to go again tomorrow!

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